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Monte - Nor Tarva Erg

Category: Mp3 | Added by: Amp4 (2012-01-11)
Views: 1985 | Comments: 1 | Tags: Monte, Tarva, erg, nor | Rating: 3.4/5
Total comments: 1
1 Javilan   (2012-06-08 11:11 AM) [Entry]
I have to agree with AH on this last point. Armenia as a whole and ethnic Armenians idlviinuadly are generally confronted with attempts to make them weaker, not only by the West, though, but also by Russia, the EU, and the surrounding nations. Add those supra-national, supra-governmental secret societies, so called “internationalist power elites” who tend to direct major world events, manipulate elections, etc., and the picture will be complete. I don’t intend to make comparisons with other nations, but Armenians do have a unique PC processor in their brains, they’re known to be smart, shrewd, entrepreneurial, talented, hard-working, with unparalleled survivor ability. For those who doubt, there IS an interest in Armenia. It is naefve to presume that a single element in this world order and in the stratification of power on global scale, however small and insignificant it may seem, can be left unnoticed and unutilized. Every tiny building block, that the world pallet of nations consists of, is given due attention and is being played upon by the “string-pullers” who stand behind many of world events. Unfortunately, they pursue their own interests, and those interests are in direct confrontation with Armenia’s national interests. Knowing the potential of Armenians, they do everything they can to destabilize the internal situation in order to keep the balance of equally unstable regional states, hinder the efforts of any regional nation to attain monopoly (economic, political, etc.) over a neighbor, wipe out any nationalist or national-patriotic trends or doctrines that could emerge, etc.These are just a few reasons why we have what we have in our country. An unelected regime largely plays into the hands of these global powers because being illegitimate means being more prone to be subservient to their political control. And an incapable, unproductive opposition that helps these powers advance the millennia-old tactics of divide-and-rule. Unfortunately, even when Armenians have a chance to rely on themselves, advance their own agenda, and build foundations of a strong state and civil society, here I mean Vazgen Sarkissian-Karen Demirchian alliance, you know what happens.Every effort must be made to consolidate the nation, make effective use of Armenians’ intellectual and entrepreneurial potential. This needs to be done wisely and inexplicitly. WISELY and INEXPLICITLY. This of course requires time that will gradually bring about a generation change, mentality change, and a political culture development. I only wish that this time be used with profit, not to the detriment, to the nation.

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